A prominent figure in the movement to protect and promote women’s and children’s rights in Indonesia, Taufik Riswan is highly active in many organizations and activities at any one time, a record he has maintained from his student days.
Since 2012, he has held various positions in critical areas for gender equality, from vice-coordinator of Pulih Foundation in Aceh, to the Secretary General of Advocacy and Children Right Monitoring Coallition (KAPHA) Aceh. At the same time, he is involved in Alliance Movement for Laki-laki Baru (LLB) Aceh, Civil Society Network for Peace (JMSP), Aceh Women Movement, Anti-Women Trafficking in Aceh, Gender Reference Group team to the Gender Working Group team.
Riswan is a familiar face at local trainings and new project sites. He has been leading capacity building trainings in gender mainstreaming, as well as conflict resolution and peacebuilding workshops for women’s and children’s groups.
In 2005, he volunteered to help children survivors of the massive earthquake and Tsunami. He then joined Children Centre Kaway, Meulaboh Aceh Barat as a coordinator, after which he was appointed Director of Assessment Institution for Women and Children Protection (LKPPA). From 2008 to 2010, as Secretary and Cases Manager at Integrated Service Center for Women Empowerment and Child Protection (P2TP2A) in Meulaboh, he developed a referral system for case management and healing in community, and created two areas for women and children to seek refuge in.
Later, at Woman Volunteer for Humanity (RPuK) as Education Program and Public Support Coordinator, he helped women’s and children’s groups enhance their bargaining position in gampong (village) decision-making. He also helped villages to develop gender-sensitive conflict-resolution mechanisms.
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